Other title(s): NEW ZEALAND RIFLE BRIGADE ON THE MARCH (extracts) [alternative]
Year: 1917
Runtime: 12 mins
Description: The opening scenes show New Zealand Field Artillery horses being watered at a river and fed at horse lines. This is followed by a scene of a gunner officer emerging from a sandbagged command post and directing fire using a megaphone. An 18-pounder fires (viewed from the rear with a detailed close-up of the aiming and firing mechanism). A Forward Observation Officer directs fire through his signaller using a field telephone. A soldier emerges from his dugout and fires a rifle grenade (the recoil knocks his shrapnel helmet off). This is followed by two long sequences of two different battalions marching. One wearing shrapnel helmets marches through a village. The second is the New Zealand Rifle Brigade marching along a country road. A brief scene of gunners riding their horses bareback. The route marche continues. A scene of gunners being issued Christmas parcels by the Battery Quartermaster Sergeant. The film ends with an extended sequence of two 18-pounders in the snow firing at the intense rate.
Jumble of scenes from two films showing the New Zealand Field Artillery and the New Zealand Rifle Brigade on the Western Front in 1917 and early 1918.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / New Zealand Military Forces, New Zealand Div, Field Artillery / New Zealand Military Forces, New Zealand Div, Rifle Bde (?) / weapons, British - gun: 18-pounder field gun & [New Zealand] & [+] / weapons, British - projector: rifle flare grenade & [New Zealand] / communications, New Zealand military - direct: megaphone / communications, New Zealand military - wire: field telephone / operations, New Zealand military - routine / combat, New Zealand - artillery bombardment / celebrations, New Zealand - popular: Christmas (?) / animals, mammals: horse / 01/3(4-15) / France / World War, 1914-1918 -- France / Belgium / World War, 1914-1918 -- Belgium / Winter / camera / World War, 1914-1918 -- Motion pictures and the war
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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